club structure.

Herne Bay Lifeguard & Swimming Club is a non-profit organisation and all those involved are volunteers, this includes all coaches, committee members, Club Shop and poolside helpers.

All the fees and sponsorships we receive are used to further the objectives of the Club. Membership fees are used to pay for pool hire, ASA (Amateur Swimming Association) membership, insurance, coach training and many other things that are necessary to keep the Club in compliance with the ASA and other legal requirements.

swimming sections.

The Club is split into two swimming sections for our swimmers: Junior Herons Squad & Senior Herons Squad

Junior Herons - This section of the Club is for competent to intermediate swimmers. Anyone wishing to join the Junior Herons Squad will be assessed by the Lead coach of the  Junior Squad. There are 4 sessions available.

Senior Herons - This section of the Club is for advanced swimmers. There are four regular sessions available. In addition, by invitation of the Head of the Senior Herons Squad Coach, specialist training sessions are also available from time to time.

meet the coaches.

Our Club Head Coach is Lee Mullins - a Senior Swim England Coach (Level 3). 

Our Deputy Head Coach is Pauline Jones.

Our Lead Coach of Juniors is Anne Hicks.

Our Director of Performance & Strategy is  John Butler.

the committee.

The committee is responsible for running the Club on a day-to-day basis.

The committee is responsible for running the Club on a day-to-day basis. It consists of a Chairman, Treasurer, Club Secretary and a number of elected members. A full list of Committee Members is available in 'Who's who' members section of the website. If you have any questions on the running of the Club, please feel free to speak to anyone on the Committee. Please make a point of checking the Club Notice board, Website and Closed Facebook page as they are regularly updated.